Basic Tables

Basic Example
# First Last Phone Number
1 Warren Jackson Jackson 336-508-2157
2 Amy Cunha 646-473-2057
3 Steven Loch 281-308-0793
Hoverable Table
# First Last Handle
1 Warren Jackson Jackson 336-508-2157
2 Amy Cunha 646-473-2057
3 Steven Loch 281-308-0793
Striped Rows
# First Last Handle
1 Warren Jackson Jackson 336-508-2157
2 Amy Cunha 646-473-2057
3 Steven Loch 281-308-0793
Dark Table with Striped Rows
# First Last Handle
1 Warren Jackson Jackson 336-508-2157
2 Amy Cunha 646-473-2057
3 Steven Loch 281-308-0793
Dark Table with Striped Columns
# First Last Handle
1 Warren Jackson Jackson 336-508-2157
2 Amy Cunha 646-473-2057
3 Steven Loch 281-308-0793
Striped Columns
# First Last Handle
1 Warren Jackson Jackson 336-508-2157
2 Amy Cunha 646-473-2057
3 Steven Loch 281-308-0793
Active Table
# First Last Handle
1 Mark Otto @mdo
2 Jacob Thornton @fat
3 Larry the Bird @twitter
Bordered Table
# First Last Handle
1 Warren Jackson Jackson 336-508-2157
2 Amy Cunha 646-473-2057
3 Steven Loch 281-308-0793
Colored Bordered Table
# First Last Handle
1 Warren Jackson Jackson 336-508-2157
2 Amy Cunha 646-473-2057
3 Steven Loch 281-308-0793
Borderless Table
# First Last Handle
1 Warren Jackson Jackson 336-508-2157
2 Amy Cunha 646-473-2057
3 Steven Loch 281-308-0793
Colors Variants
# Class Heading Heading
1 Table light Cell Cell
2 Table Success Cell Cell
3 Table Info Cell Cell
4 Table Warning Cell Cell
5 Table Danger Cell Cell
6 Table Dark Cell Cell
Nesting Table
# First Last Handle
1 Warren Jackson Jackson 336-508-2157
# First Last Handle
1 Warren Jackson Jackson 336-508-2157
2 Amy Cunha 646-473-2057
2 Amy Cunha 646-473-2057
3 Steven Loch 281-308-0793
Always Responsive
# Heading Heading Heading Heading Heading Heading Heading Heading Heading
1 Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell
2 Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell
3 Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell Cell
Small Tables
# First Last Phone Number
1 Warren Jackson Jackson 336-508-2157
2 Amy Cunha 646-473-2057
3 Steven Loch 281-308-0793
4 Steven Loch 281-308-0793
5 Steven Loch 281-308-0793
Group Dividers Table
# First Last Handle
1 Warren Jackson Jackson 336-508-2157
2 Amy Cunha 646-473-2057
3 Steven Loch 281-308-0793
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